It all started with a love of drawing, painting and an urge to make things that’s been with me my whole life. Somehow, after years of doing a normal nine to five job, with art as a hobby I occasionally had time for, I’ve ended up as a chainsaw artist….
I discovered sculpture with a chainsaw and I’m hopelessly addicted to it.
Power carving has woken up a part of me that’s always been there in the background, I just never knew what to do with it. After a difficult couple of years in my normal job, I decided it was time to try something new. If life’s taught me one lesson it’s “If you don’t try it, you’ll never Know!”
I had a couple of big logs and a chainsaw, and cut out some fairly basic log chairs….surprisingly comfy. But that wasn’t enough, I wanted more. I looked at other chainsaw artists in awe of their skill and thought, how do they do that?
Keep on trying and you will succeed
I tried some basic shapes first and gradually got a feel for working in three dimensions, then after destroying several DIY chainsaws I decided to invest in my first professional Stihl chainsaw with a proper carving bar. Almost overnight my work transformed. I was able to create finer detail and more complicated shapes and designs with far greater speed and accuracy. It really does make a difference when you have the right tools!!